Anniversary Week
What is the anniversary at Moster about?

What is the anniversary at Moster about?

In 2024, it will be 1000 years since the Norwegian king Olav the Heilage introduced the Christian right. This was a set of promissory statutes in 1024 at Mostratinget on Moster in the municipality of Bømlo.

The Christian Law is the first Norwegian legislation based on the values of Christianity, and marks the beginning of very important processes for our country. The trace of the Christian right is still accepted in our society today. That's why we have this millennial celebration!

Moster 2024 is a 1000th anniversary for the whole country with an extra focus on children and young people. With the anniversary, we will focus on the values that Norway was built on and the values of today. We will also facilitate value conversations about what Noreg should be in the future. That's why Moster 2024 has the vision: Celebrate the past — shape the future!

But what happened a thousand years ago at Moster? And what in the days did the Christian right turn to?

What is the Christian right?

With the Christian right, Norway formally became a Christian kingdom. Our country had a new religion and a new system that differed from the Norse faith that had existed here before Christianity. The new religion created new times for people and society. In fact, the year 1024 marked a transition from being a society of power to a society of law!

The Christian right was a collection of the rules that had to be followed in society in connection with the new religion. These rules were seen on Moster in 1024. There were rules about baptism and burial, marriage and bondage. (Trælar was the name given to slaves in Viking times.) Some rules are about fasting and about church building. We also fenced heilagdagar and gjerehald around the church garden. Reglane dealt with the duties of bishop and clergyman, and even made the rules of sorcery. It was forbidden to practice sorcery in those days. It was also forbidden to put children out into the woods to die. Fleirkoneri was no longer a law. It was not permitted to carry blood or burn wood on a bonfire. From then on, trees were to be bought free. People had the right to intercede on Sundays and Heilagdays, and all were to be buried in the same place, as were Christians. Women fenced the right to choose a spouse, and farmers fenced allowed to own land. Even though some laws created resistance, people changed their customs, and society gradually changed to something better.

With Christianity came the idea that there is something right, regardless of whether you are rich or poor. This moral right sprang from God and his creation, and made a great change in society. The Church was responsible for a long series of gripping processes, such as state development, writing, and community arrangements with other countries. There was also a great focus on learning, even though this was at first possible for the rich.

It was an English bishop and the Norwegian king who changed our country in 1024. Olav Haraldsson, known as Olav den heilage, and Bishop Grimkjell. Bishop Grimkjell was Olav Haraldsson's most important bishop, and he played a central role in noko dei kalla for Mostratinget. Grimkjell was English, but the name suggests he had Scandinavian descent.

Mostratinget is known as a court meeting held at Moster Kyrkje. It was here that they introduced Christianity as a religion in Norway in 995 (Olav Tryggvason). So in 1024, the Christian court, with the new laws for Norway, was introduced. 1000 years later, we want to use Moster as the scene and the anniversary as a moment for a great debate on values. In 2024, we want to develop the thing into an assembly for young people, with representatives of the whole country!

In our new show, the focus will be on shaping the future and shining a spotlight on issues that are important to young people. Korleis will contemporaries influence your future? Read more about The Mostratinget Project here.

Quiz on Moster 2024 and the Christian Right

What do you know about the values and history behind Moster's 1000th anniversary in 2024?

Take the Kahoot quiz now!

What is the anniversary at Moster about?
What is the anniversary at Moster about?

What is the anniversary at Moster about?

Below you will find a simple description of what the anniversary is all about and what we are celebrating!

In 2024, it will be 1000 years since the Norwegian king Olav the Heilage introduced the Christian right. This was a set of promissory statutes in 1024 at Mostratinget on Moster in the municipality of Bømlo.

The Christian Law is the first Norwegian legislation based on the values of Christianity, and marks the beginning of very important processes for our country. The trace of the Christian right is still accepted in our society today. That's why we have this millennial celebration!

Moster 2024 is a 1000th anniversary for the whole country with an extra focus on children and young people. With the anniversary, we will focus on the values that Norway was built on and the values of today. We will also facilitate value conversations about what Noreg should be in the future. That's why Moster 2024 has the vision: Celebrate the past — shape the future!

But what happened a thousand years ago at Moster? And what in the days did the Christian right turn to?

What is the Christian right?

With the Christian right, Norway formally became a Christian kingdom. Our country had a new religion and a new system that differed from the Norse faith that had existed here before Christianity. The new religion created new times for people and society. In fact, the year 1024 marked a transition from being a society of power to a society of law!

The Christian right was a collection of the rules that had to be followed in society in connection with the new religion. These rules were seen on Moster in 1024. There were rules about baptism and burial, marriage and bondage. (Trælar was the name given to slaves in Viking times.) Some rules are about fasting and about church building. We also fenced heilagdagar and gjerehald around the church garden. Reglane dealt with the duties of bishop and clergyman, and even made the rules of sorcery. It was forbidden to practice sorcery in those days. It was also forbidden to put children out into the woods to die. Fleirkoneri was no longer a law. It was not permitted to carry blood or burn wood on a bonfire. From then on, trees were to be bought free. People had the right to intercede on Sundays and Heilagdays, and all were to be buried in the same place, as were Christians. Women fenced the right to choose a spouse, and farmers fenced allowed to own land. Even though some laws created resistance, people changed their customs, and society gradually changed to something better.

With Christianity came the idea that there is something right, regardless of whether you are rich or poor. This moral right sprang from God and his creation, and made a great change in society. The Church was responsible for a long series of gripping processes, such as state development, writing, and community arrangements with other countries. There was also a great focus on learning, even though this was at first possible for the rich.

It was an English bishop and the Norwegian king who changed our country in 1024. Olav Haraldsson, known as Olav den heilage, and Bishop Grimkjell. Bishop Grimkjell was Olav Haraldsson's most important bishop, and he played a central role in noko dei kalla for Mostratinget. Grimkjell was English, but the name suggests he had Scandinavian descent.

Mostratinget is known as a court meeting held at Moster Kyrkje. It was here that they introduced Christianity as a religion in Norway in 995 (Olav Tryggvason). So in 1024, the Christian court, with the new laws for Norway, was introduced. 1000 years later, we want to use Moster as the scene and the anniversary as a moment for a great debate on values. In 2024, we want to develop the thing into an assembly for young people, with representatives of the whole country!

In our new show, the focus will be on shaping the future and shining a spotlight on issues that are important to young people. Korleis will contemporaries influence your future? Read more about The Mostratinget Project here.

Quiz on Moster 2024 and the Christian Right

What do you know about the values and history behind Moster's 1000th anniversary in 2024?

Take the Kahoot quiz now!