Anniversary Week
M24 Young Learning Resources Officer
Illustration of globe, sword and plane

M24 Young Learning Resources Officer

Activity booklet for the intermediate stage

The Activity Booklet is a resource bank for middle-level teachers. It can be downloaded as pdf and consists of fact and overview texts, illustrations, proposals for teaching programs with various activities and assignments, as well as links to digital resources. The booklet is easily adaptable to other age stages, but is based on 5-7 steps.

The anniversary book “Moster iz da thing!”

“Moster iz da thing” is an easy to read and fun nonfiction book written by Bjørn Sortland. The book is about when Olav den heilage sette ting at Moster in 2024, and is suitable for children of all ages. The book is illustrated by Egil Nyhus.

Anniversary song FRIDOM with choreography

The anniversary song “FRIDOM” is a community song about the verdian jubilee is built on. He is suitable for children of all ages, with choreography one can learn in both simple and slightly more difficult versions. Artist at Låla er MGP Jr. winner William Høyem Ribe.

Composition for cultural school

“Elle Melle” is a newly written composition for young musicians in kulturskule and music corps, writing by Webjørn Sæther.

Time travel - interactive history journey

“Time Travel” is intended to contribute to the dissemination of history to the general public, especially with regard to children and young people, and consists of different experiences and aspects of history over the last thousand years. The project aims to create greater reflection on the road that has gone before us, and what events have led us to where we are today.

Podcast for Kindergarten

The M24 Barnepodden is an educational tool for kindergartens and the small step in school. Innhaldet has interactive elements with interviews, questions for listeners, as well as an exciting story to follow about Daisy the dog who travels through the Viking Age.

Podcast for Forwarding

“ANNO 1024” is an exciting history podcast about Moster and the great religious shift. It is suitable for history buffs and older listeners from 10th grade and up.

The Christian Law — Simply Explained

A simple explanation of what the Christian right is and what we will celebrate in 2024. Here, one can test their knowledge of the anniversary by taking a Kahoot quiz afterwards.

M24 Young Learning Resources Officer
M24 Young Learning Resources Officer
Illustration of globe, sword and plane

This is a collection page that shows the various projects we have for children and young people of different ages. Here you will find everything from learning resources to the school, composition to the culture ball, as well as programs for the young in their free time!

Activity booklet for the intermediate stage

The Activity Booklet is a resource bank for middle-level teachers. It can be downloaded as pdf and consists of fact and overview texts, illustrations, proposals for teaching programs with various activities and assignments, as well as links to digital resources. The booklet is easily adaptable to other age stages, but is based on 5-7 steps.

The anniversary book “Moster iz da thing!”

“Moster iz da thing” is an easy to read and fun nonfiction book written by Bjørn Sortland. The book is about when Olav den heilage sette ting at Moster in 2024, and is suitable for children of all ages. The book is illustrated by Egil Nyhus.

Anniversary song FRIDOM with choreography

The anniversary song “FRIDOM” is a community song about the verdian jubilee is built on. He is suitable for children of all ages, with choreography one can learn in both simple and slightly more difficult versions. Artist at Låla er MGP Jr. winner William Høyem Ribe.

Composition for cultural school

“Elle Melle” is a newly written composition for young musicians in kulturskule and music corps, writing by Webjørn Sæther.

Time travel - interactive history journey

“Time Travel” is intended to contribute to the dissemination of history to the general public, especially with regard to children and young people, and consists of different experiences and aspects of history over the last thousand years. The project aims to create greater reflection on the road that has gone before us, and what events have led us to where we are today.

Podcast for Kindergarten

The M24 Barnepodden is an educational tool for kindergartens and the small step in school. Innhaldet has interactive elements with interviews, questions for listeners, as well as an exciting story to follow about Daisy the dog who travels through the Viking Age.

Podcast for Forwarding

“ANNO 1024” is an exciting history podcast about Moster and the great religious shift. It is suitable for history buffs and older listeners from 10th grade and up.

The Christian Law — Simply Explained

A simple explanation of what the Christian right is and what we will celebrate in 2024. Here, one can test their knowledge of the anniversary by taking a Kahoot quiz afterwards.