Verdisamtalen «The Returning of the Right of Might»
Verdisamtalen «The Returning of the Right of Might»

Verdisamtalen «The Returning of the Right of Might»


Katharine Gun is arguably the most famous whistleblower of today. As the British intelligence organization GCHQ and US NSA schemed to secretly monitor members of the UN Security Council, Katherine one day found a note on her desk that dragged her into the preparation for the war on Iraq in 2003. Katherine won the Sam Adams Whistleblower Award for 2003 and works with U.S. experts VIPS, Veteran Intelligence Professional for Sanity. Her life has become a film with Keira Knightley playing lead role.

John Y. Jones set up, for the imprisoned Julian Assange. He is with the magazine Ny Tid; the Peace and Justice party FOR and "Lay Down Your Arms". Both are members of IPI, Institute for the Public Interest.

After introductions, Katharine and John invite you to a conversation about the conditions of Truth in today's world.

  • Is the world returning to lawlessness and the right of the powerful?
  • Can we trust the powerful, media and those who govern us?
  • Will Power permanently undermine the international legal community?

Deltakarar: Katharine Gun

Moderator: John Yngvar Jones

Medarrangør: Foreningen Fred og Rettferdighet og Institute for the Public Interest og Bømlo Ordinære Asylmottak

Verdisamtalen «The Returning of the Right of Might»
Verdisamtalen «The Returning of the Right of Might»

Verdisamtalen «The Returning of the Right of Might»

75 minutt

Katharine Gun is arguably the most famous whistleblower of today. As the British intelligence organization GCHQ and US NSA schemed to secretly monitor members of the UN Security Council, Katherine one day found a note on her desk that dragged her into the preparation for the war on Iraq in 2003. Katherine won the Sam Adams Whistleblower Award for 2003 and works with U.S. experts VIPS, Veteran Intelligence Professional for Sanity. Her life has become a film with Keira Knightley playing lead role.

John Y. Jones set up, for the imprisoned Julian Assange. He is with the magazine Ny Tid; the Peace and Justice party FOR and "Lay Down Your Arms". Both are members of IPI, Institute for the Public Interest.

After introductions, Katharine and John invite you to a conversation about the conditions of Truth in today's world.

  • Is the world returning to lawlessness and the right of the powerful?
  • Can we trust the powerful, media and those who govern us?
  • Will Power permanently undermine the international legal community?

Deltakarar: Katharine Gun

Moderator: John Yngvar Jones

Medarrangør: Foreningen Fred og Rettferdighet og Institute for the Public Interest og Bømlo Ordinære Asylmottak